Concise Minutes - Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 1 - Senedd

Meeting date: Thursday, 14 February 2019

Meeting time: 09.30 - 12.00
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:





Assembly Members:

Hefin David AM

Mark Reckless AM (Temporary Chair)

David J Rowlands AM

Jack Sargeant AM

Bethan Sayed AM


Professor Iain Docherty, Glasgow University

Roger Waters, RCT County Borough Council

Iwan Prys Jones, North Wales economic ambition board

Committee Staff:

Gareth Price (Clerk)

Lara Date (Second Clerk)

Robert Lloyd-Williams (Deputy Clerk)

Andrew Minnis (Researcher)



1       Motion to elect temporary Chair

1.1 The Committee agreed the motion to elect Mark Reckless AM as temporary Chair



2       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest

2.1 Apologies were received by Russell George AM, Joyce Watson AM and Vikki Howells

2.2 There were no substitutions or declarations of interest



3       Paper(s) to note

3.1 The correspondence was noted by the Committee



4       The Future Development of Transport for Wales: Glasgow University

4.1 Professor Iain Docherty answered questions from Committee Members



5       The Future Development of Transport for Wales: Regional Bodies

5.1 Roger Waters and Iwan Prys Jones answered questions from Committee Members



6       Motion under Standing Order 17.42 (ix) to resolve to exclude the public from item 7 and 8

6.1 The Committee agreed the motion



7       Draft Letter: City Deals Update

7.1 The letter was noted by the Committee



8       Draft Report: Electric Vehicle Charging in Wales

8.1 The Committee discussed the draft report





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